Final examination of Technology and information system management
Q1 what are the system Success and failure? Explain it include with 6 sub question s, and tell the success and failure why or why not? Chapter (16) of handout.
System failure:
An information system that
- Doen’t perform as expected
- Isn’t operational at a specified time
- Cannot be used as intended
75% of all large systems
- Considered as ( operating failure)
. Hihg implementation cost
. functional deficiency
Problem areas
- Design: Fails to capture essential Business requirements or improve organizational performance. too excessively complicated and discouraging. Not compatible with the structure, culture, and goals of the organization as a whole.
- Data: inaccuracy, inconsistency, incomplete, inaccessible, errorneous, or ambiguous.
- Cost: Too costly: to implement, to run on a production basis, to be used to compete.
- Operationsf: operationally inadequate, ineffeceincy. Low performance and unreliable, long response time. Break down, delayed/ missed delivery schedule. Operations problems can be attributed to technical features, but most stem from organizational factors
Measures of information system success
1. High levels of use
2. User satisfication
3. Favorable attitudes
4. Achieved objectives
5. Financial payoff
System of success and fialure
. the introduction /alteration of IS: leads a powerful behavioral/organizational impact
- Change the way individuals and groups perform and interact
- Lead to new distributions of authority and power
. No signle explanation fro system success or failure. Nor does it suggest formula for system success.
Cause of information system success and failure
. role of users in implementation process. Degree of management support for implementation effort. Level of complexity and risk of implementation project. Quality of management of implementation process.
Q2 what is the Security and control issue? Please explain it include with 3 sub questions and cover with E-commerce, look advantage and disadvantage. Chapter 8 335 and chapter 10 340
Business value of security and control
- Inadequate security and control may create serious legal liability.
- Bunsiness must protect not only their own information assets but also those of customers, employees, and business partners. Failure to do so can lead to costly litigation for data exposure or theft.
- A sound security and control framework that protects business informatiomn assets can thus produce a high return on investment.
. legal and requlatory requirements for electronic records management
- Electronic records management( ERM): policies, procedures and tools for managing the retention, destruction, and stroage of electronic records.
. Data security and control laws
- The health insurance portability and accountability act ( HIPAA)
- Gramm –leach- Bliley act
- Sarbanes-oxley act of 2002
. electronic evidence and computer forensics
- Electronic evidence: computer data stored on disks and drives, e-mail, instant messages, and E-commerce transactions.
- Computer forensics: scientific collection, examination, authentication, preservation, and analysis of computer data for use as evidence in a cout law.
Establishing a management framework for security and control
. type of information systems controls general controls:
- Software and harware
- Conputer operations
- Data security
- Systems implementation process
. application controls:
- Input
- Processing
- Output
. Risk assessment:
- Determines the level of risk the firm if a specific activity or process is not properly controlled
. security policy: policy ranking information risks, identifying acceptable security goals, and identifying the mechanisms for achieving these goals.
- Acceptable use policy( AUP)
- Authorization policies
Creating a control environment
Controls: methods, policies, procedures to portect assets; accuracy and reliability of records; adherence to management standards
- General
- Application
General controls
. Implemenation: audit system development to assure proper control, management
. Software ensures security, reliability of software
. Physical hardware: ensure physical security, peformance of computer hardware.
. Computer operatoins: unsures procedures consistenly, correctly applied to data storage, processing
. Data security: ensure data disks, tapes protected from wrongful access, changes, destruction
. Addministrative: ensures controls properly executed, enforced.
. operational control: example, human –operator error at a computer system at the shell pipeline corporation cause the firm to ship barrels of crude oil to wrong trader.
. Network control
- Transmitting information via public network, internet, intranet requires security
- Firewall is used to place between internal LANDs and WANs and external networks such as the internet to prevent unauthorized communication into and out of the network.
Application controls
Uniques to each computerized application includes:
1. Input
2. Processing
3. Output
Input controls
- input authorization: record, monitor source domcuments
- Data conversion: transcribe data properly from one form to another
- Batch control totals: count transaction prior to and after processing
- Edit checks: verify input data, correct errors
Processing controls
Establish that data is complete, accurate during processing
- Run control totals: generate control totals before and after processing
- Computer matching: match input data to master files
- Establish that data are complete and accurate during updating major processing control
Output controls
Establish that results are accurate, complete, properly distributed
- Baance input, processing, output totals
- Review processing logs
- Ensure only authorized recipients get results
Q3 what is system Building?
Alternative system- Building approaches
1. Phased life-cycle
2. Prototyping
3. Application software packages
4. End-user development
5. Outsourcing
1 phased life-cycle model
- The traditional way for building complex medium/ large systems
- Phased model consists: 1. Analysis 2. Design 3. Implementation 4. System testing 5. Maintenance
- Primary goals of the phased approach( eliminate requirements and design errors before implementation). ( very expensive to remove analysis and design errors during implementation and system testing.
Phased life-cycle model
anlysis | design | implement | System test | maintenance |
Planning requirement definition ![]() verify | Architecture detail verify | Code debug unit test verify | Integration acceptance | Exhance adapt fix |
System lifecycle
. project definition: is there a problem? Can it solved with a project?
. system study: analyze problems in existing system; define objectives evaluate alternatives.
. design: logical and phsical specifications for systems solution
. Programming: develop software code
. Installation: construct, test, train, convert to new system
.postinstallation: on-going evaluation, modifications for improvement to meet new requirements.
Strength of phased model
. necessary for lage, complex system and projects
. used for building highly structured and well defined system so appropriate for complex technical system.
. use for develop next version of s/w or similar system.
Limitation of phased model
1. Resource intensive
- Take years to complete
- Can be costly and time consuming
- Requirements keep changing
- Obsolete before use
- If requirements are incorrects, very expensive to correct them.
2. Inflexible of change
- Changes cannot be made in subsequent phase
- Proper specification cannot always be captured for the 1st time
3. Not appropriate for DSS
- DSS rather unstructured, requirement constantly changes.
2 Prototyping
Process of building experimental system to demonstrate, evaluate approach; users refine needs.
- Prototype; preliminary working version of information system for demonstration, evaluation purpose
Steps in prototyping
1. Identifyuser’s requirements
2. Develop prototype
3. Use prototype
4. Revise and enhance prototype best for design of end-user interface: How end-user interacts with system.
Spiral( prototype) model
Stength of prototype model
1. Useful when some uncertainty for requirements/ design solution.
2. Suitable for simple data manipulation and smaller application
3. Value mechanism, 3.1 explaining various processing options to the customer 3.2 gaining better understanding of the customer’s need.
4. Suitable to exploratory development such as new s/w to define requirements and/or products
5. Encourages end-user involement and is more likely to fulfill end-user requirements
Limitation of prototype model
1. Unsuitable for batch processing; heavy calculation and complex procedure logic
2. Encourage to move too quickly toward a working model without capturing basic set of system analysis
3. Once finished-part of the final production without careful effort to convert it into a polished product. Performance may very inefficient
4. Lack of full documentation and tests. Documentation may not be kept up to date.
3 Application of software packages
- Geared to common requirements
- customizationZ: modification of software to meet organization’s needs
- must weigh costs/ benefits
lelected examples of application programs
- account receivable
- bond and stock management
- computer-aided design(CAD)
- document imagin
- e-mial
- enterprise resource planning( ERP)
- health care
modifying software package to meet organization’s unique requirements without destroying integrity of package raises development costs.
Application software packages
. package evaluation criteria: functions, flexibility, user friendliness, hardware and requirement, installation and maintenance efforts, documentation, vendor quality, cost.
Strength of software packages
- usually pretested to eliminate major technical problems.
- Can be accomplished in a short period
- Vendor provides on-going M/A and support
- Reduce some of the organizational bottleneck in the development process
- End major sources of organizational resistance to the system development effort.
Limitation of software packages
- Cannot do everything wells that users want in a specific need
- Package may not meet all of an organization’s requirement
- To make it fit, customization is required,time and expensive cost
- The initial investment may be deceptive( low) but hidden implementation cost.
4 End-user development
Using 4th generation tools
- Allow rapid development but testing and documentation may be inadequate
- Seven categories of fourth-generation languages:
1. PC software tools
2. Query languages
3. Report generator
4. Graphics languages
5. Application generator
6. Application software package
7. Very high-level programming language
- Improved requirements determination
- Increased user involvement and satisfaction
- Reduced application backlog
- Relatively inefficient
- Slow transaction processing
- May carry high cost
- Lack of well-defined and integrated standardized techniques
- Nonprocedural approach may hamper logic and updating requirements
Q4 DSS and certain strategy and explain its 2 sub question?
Q5 what are the 6 majors system? How it use for work in the organization?
Manner in which work is organized, coordinated and focused to produce a efficiency and effectiveness goods and services. Unique ways to coordinate work, information, and knowledge and the best ways in which management chooses to coordinate work.
Example of Business processes
Manufacturing and production: assembling product, checking quality, producing nbills of materials
Sales and marketing: identifying customers, creating customers awareness, selling.
Finance and accounting: paying creditors, creating financial statements, managing cash accounts.
Human resources: Hiring enployees, evaluating performance, enrolling enployees in benefits plans.
The type of Business information systems: there are two type of Business information systems
1 systems from a functional perspective: the systems from a functional perspective are : Sales and marketing systems, Manufacturing and production systems, Finance and Accounting systems, Human resources systems.
2 systems from a constituency perspective: systems from a constituency perspective is include major stypes of information systems: there are 6 majors type of system they are:
2.1 Transaction processing systems( TPS): the TPS work is save information of customers in file, Database, routine. And another way TPS useful for organization to save information when they buy raiw material from suppliers. But now the TPS is changes because some time the customers no need to use service from staff of that company, that mean the customers can do by themselves we call:( customers inegrated systems or CIS)
For example, ATMs, BTS and students rigester for university by enternet system.
- operational level
- inputs: transactions, events
- processing : daily updating
- outputs: detailed report
- users: operations personnel
2.2 knowledge work systems (KWS)
- knowledge level
- inputs: design specs, create and integrate new knowledge
- processing: modelling
- outputs: designs, graphics
- users: technical staff. Example, engineering work( knowledge worker)
2.3 Office automation systems (OAS): Information Systems Office. Information system technology applied to improve the performance of work practice and management.
The OAS can be used to assist in various activities such as making documents, reports, business letters, send a message(e-messages). Schedule appointment. And searching the Web.
Office automation systems can be divided into 5 categories.
in office
- increase productivity- coordinate, communicate, and support in difference function and location
- design of work flow
-Integrated s/w ( groupware)
- handle and manage: document: word processing, desktop publishing, image processing. Scheduling: electronic calendar. Communication: E- Mail, telephony, vedio coferencing.
2.4 Management information systems (MIS): the MIS is use data of TPS to decsion making for stategy, control, monitor, and orderThe MIS can separate in 4 parts they are: 1. Periodic reports: it can be the report do every days, weekly,monthly and yearly. For exaple, report about the maximization of sale product of staff and pay for suppliers. 2. Summarized reports: is the report of implementation of the organization. 3. Exception reports: it is the specail report for easy to ues just in time of the mangers. For example sale product under forcasting etc. 4. Demand reports: that mean particular report , not general report.
- structured decisions
- management level
- past and present data ( TPS)
- internal orientation
- Monitor, plan, control, and making decision
- inputs: TPS and history information
-Proccessing: simple models, little anlysis, summaries and comparisons of information
- outputs: summary reports
- users: middle managers
2.5 Decision support systems (DSS): Decision Support System. A water information system data from various databases used in decision-making generally is TPS and MIS reporting for the control and supervision of general practice to work. Organization to operate properly. While the DSS is to support decision making, problem solving and case management as needed. An emphasis on decision-making efficiency. The use of information as a basis. To help administrators decide to operate properly.
DSS data used may include various databases within the organization such as sales data, financial data. Inventory data, etc., and data from external databases, such as interest rates and raw material price trends of the population.
- management level( same as “ MIS”+ DATA analysis)
- inputs: internal and external DATA
- processing : interactive
- outputs: Decision analysis
- Users: professionals, staff
2.6 Executive support systems (ESS): ESS is an information system to support analysis, education issues, trends and graphite strategy. Administrators can access the information by the view in various formats. It is a system with flexibility and high mobility. Summary of information organizations need to do this quickly. There is also a design interface tasks to users (user interface) provides user-friendly administration.
ESS can access information from the database and then outside the organization. And it provides information obtained from the analysis in the form of reports, tables, and graphs to summarize information for management to understand the simple and time saving.
- strategic level
-Inputs: aggregate DATA from internal(mis) and external sources
-Processing: interactive
-Outputs: projection
-Users: senior managers. For example 5 years operating plan. Unstructured decision making.
Q6 chapter 2 and 3 and tell issue related to strategy
- Customers response
- Corroborative team work
- Customers relationship